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Business Assistance Ltd incorporated in 1962 changed its name on September 16th 2024 following the retirement of the founding director. A dormant UK Company incorporated on January 19th 2024 was renamed Business Assistance Ltd on September 16th 2024 which he was made a director of on September 20th 2024.

The archived website you are being invited to access, displays the copyrighted material which appeared on the earliest named Business Assistance Limited’s website so that interested parties can learn of the type of consultancy services that the original company provided.

It is the founding director’s intention to sell the dormant company now named Business Assistance Limited and the six business assistance domains for which he is the current Registrant. The contract will be handled by the Company’s solicitors and be conditional on the purchaser agreeing not to pass the new Business Assistance Ltd off as being the original company and not to use any of the copyright content displayed on past and current Business Assistance Ltd’s web sites.